
Product Labels

Product labels for Nichino America can be found in the following places:

Agrian Logo

There is also a link on every product page of the Nichino America website which will take you to the label as well as the SDS.

Not all products are registered for use in every state.  State registration should be confirmed before applying any crop protection product. If there is any question regarding product registration in a specific state, contact the local sales representative found under the Field Reps tab of this website or call Nichino America for assistance: 1-888-740-7700.  

Additionally, before using a crop protection product on food or feed crops designated for export, maximum residue levels (MRLs) in foreign markets should be confirmed as indicated below.

Maximum Residue Level (MRL)

As part of the process for regulating pesticides, regulatory authorities set tolerances, or MRLs, as the maximum amount of a pesticide allowed to remain in or on food, feed, and/ or processed commodities.  MRLs are established from data obtained from field trials which are conducted according to the most conservative growing conditions (maximum label application rate and shortest preharvest interval).   

In the United States, MRLs are established for domestic or imported commodities.  Similarly, commodities exported to foreign markets are regulated by MRLs established by authorities in those jurisdictions.  Consequently, it is very important that growers confirm country-specific residue limits before using crop protection products on food or feed crops designated for export as raw agricultural or processed commodities.

Nichino America is working with key trading countries to establish MRLs for food, feed, and processed commodities.  Please refer to the global MRL database  for specifics concerning currently established tolerances (https://www.globalmrl.com/db#query)